Course Details
The Energy Meter is a tool that measures the Employeeship in your organisation, and it provides four different types of reports:
- The Personal Employeeship Meter – determine, evaluate and develop a person’s attitude, behaviour and commitment to the success of themselves and the organisation.
- The Departmental or Team Employeeship Meter – determine, evaluate and develop everyone’s commitment to prosperity of the organisation.
- The Organisational Employeeship (Soft) Culture Meter – a sum of all the Departmental and Team meters that enables overview of results across the organisation.
- The Organisational Employeeship (Hard) Culture Meter – measure the degree with which the organisation’s culture, systems and policies support and inspire everyone to do their best.
The Energy Meter is a tool that measures whether people are mobilising their energy and using it positively in the interests of
themselves and their organisation.
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