The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

TMI inspire and enable you to explore the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Communicate – TMI has the unique skill to communicate and deploy high-level concepts to people at all levels of your organisation.

Inspire – TMI has the unique competence to utilise inspiration as a catalyst to overcome resistance to change and facilitate the transformation process.

Achieve – TMI has the unique ability to instill new vitality and purpose, mobilising everyone’s energy towards achieving your goals.

TMI use a proven “5 I’s” consulting process and a broad range of creative tools to create your learning journey.



Focus on understanding purpose and exploring your aspirations.


Focus on identifying your strengths and mapping out the steps.


Focus on shaping attitudes and building your capability.


Focus on maintaining attention and driving your performance.


Focus on realising opportunities and releasing your potential.

Creative Toolkit

We believe that training alone doesn’t work. Integrated solutions are required to make learning relevant, impactful - and ‘sticky’. That’s why we use a broad range of creative tools throughout our comprehensive 5I’s development process.

TMI Consultants utilise a wide range of organisational surveys and psychometric assessment tools to identify priorities for focus, as well as to establish a baseline for evaluating the impact of our developmental interventions.

Innovative games, proven inspirational learning content, ‘food for thought’ books and other resources are used before, throughout and after the learning experience.

Assessments & profiling
Games and Innovation Tools
Development Interventions
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